Sunday, October 28, 2007

When I get where I'm going...

It's 3 AM on Sunday. I can't go back to sleep. I just got the call my Grandfather died. It wasn't a suprise or out of the blue, we were prepared as much as you could be prepared for something like that. My mom told me how it happened, and to me, this maybe the greatest story ever told. I will preface this by saying that my Grandfather has had health problems on and off for the past few years. He has been in and out of the nursing home, and this past week hospice was able to get him home. A few years ago, my Grandmother passed away. Frances was a saint in my life, I loved her so much. That was honestly the hardest thing I have had to face.

The hospice nurse who was taking care of my Grandpa saw him staring off into the right. She told my uncle, he sees somebody. My uncle asked him what he saw. Grandpa answered "Frances." He died right after that. Wow. I can only imagine the joy my Grandpa had in seeing her again. Young and beautiful, perfection. He now gets to spend eternity with the love of his life. I can say that makes me want tow the line. There will come a day when I will get to see them again. Two people of the most influental people in my life. Next time, they won't be frail. My Grandparents will walk along side me, matching me step for step. Then I 'll get to hug them both and tell them how much I missed them.
My only regret about all this is that I wish I would have been there to tell him how much I loved him and to have him give Grandma a big hug, just from me.


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