Monday, October 08, 2007

I watched Spiderman...

"With power comes great responsibility"...a quote from Spiderman - the movie. This isn't some great proverb that was just established by some Hollywood writer in the late 90's or whenever that was...this is something that has been handed down from generations. I have been thinking about this for a while. A beer company just recently had the same idea...MAN LAWS. I love this idea. There should be some form of unwritten, or maybe even written code. Because I don't want to be sued when I make N.Y. Times best sellers list, I have decided to name mine...Man Code. There are different by laws, orders & stages of the Man Code. The one I want to introduce today is the "I Have a Daughter Order" of the Man Code. The "I have a Daughter Order" of which I am a card carrying member, allows you to certain inalienable rights that other Men in the Man Code are not privy to. First off you must have a daughter...duh. Please understand that first off, I am going to be really hard on my son when it comes to dating & relationships. More & likely harder than I will be on my daughter. That's for a later discussion, coming up very soon. As a part of the "Daughter Code," you have the right to inflict bodily harm to another individual insulting a young woman or girl. For example the other day, I was in traffic. Three lanes wide & I was in the middle lane. Off to my left was a motorcycle. It was sharp...I was totally checking out the bike. I want one, it was my favorite color of blue & I was trying to figure out what it was. I noticed off to my left a Dodge pick up truck. He had stopped about 3-4 car lengths back from the car in front of him. Then the guy started yelling across my lane of traffic. All I heard was "Blah, blah, blah, baby...blah, blah." The "baby" thing threw me a bit. I looked to my left. I noticed the blond hair flowing out from under the helmet on the person riding the motorcycle. The dude I thought riding the motorcycle was actually a young girl ( approx. 20-21). This made me furious. Let me preface this by saying, a girl on a motorcycle is pretty cool, but someday that could be my daughter that this overweight, middle aged neanderthal would be "cat calling." So for the sake of that girls dad, Man Code would have allowed me to get out of my car, walk up to that dude and cauliflower his ear. Good old fashioned 1920's bare fisted boxer style punch to the ear. Free of charge, no fear of repercussions on me. All I have to do is show the "I have a daughter card." On a side note...why do guys "cat call"? Has that truly worked for anyone? I have never heard anyone say..."Yep, I was just walking down the street & he was with a bunch of his work buddies & he yelled "Here I am, what are your other two wishes" I knew we were going to be together forever."

This also leads me to another topic of the "Man Code." Men have always been mesmerized by the beauty of women. It has been man's number one down fall. If there is something I can not stand, are guys that stare at pretty women. Not just look at them, but down right ogle them. I find it almost comical to watch. Everyone knows what I'm talking about. The one that stands out in the crowd, even the women are looking. There is a way to appreciate the beauty of the human race, without attaching your eyes to them with Velcro. After all, it is a sin, if you lust! The way I think it should be done is with respect. We have all received the emails, "it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are..." THIS IS THE SCIENCE OF ADMIRING THE OPPOSITE SEX, without being an idiot or more importantly doing it with out lusting. A glance & your imagination puts all the pieces together, no double look, no staring, no dwelling. Just like that. Not only that with this method, everyone is attractive, well almost everyone.
More Man Code to come...


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