Friday, November 03, 2006

poor kid, he's so good...

We went to our first official parent teacher conference last night. We got his report card a week ago. All A's. I was very proud of him. Josiah is a very driven, by the book kind of child. Honestly no surprise on the all A's thing. Our conference lasted all of 10 minutes and if we would not have asked a couple of questions, 5 minutes tops. She said Josiah was a leader who loved challenges. Never takes the easy route. Matter of fact she confessed that sometimes she puts Josiah in charge of some of the kids that do not mind as much. Because Josiah is a role model who will keep them in line and tell them they are doing wrong. Poor kid. I know the feeling, I am not sure this is the road I want him to go down. I have been down it. I am really proud of him. Ever see the movie, What's Eating Gilbert Grape? Great movie. I sometimes feel like my childhood was like Gilbert's. Living your life to please and help everyone else that I never took time to smell the roses for myself. I always wanted to please and help everyone else. I know that is what we are supposed to do on this earth, but I just hope he doesn't become as obsessed with it as I did. Take some time for yourself, son. If you don't it will wear you out. The teacher also said he had very nice hand writting for a boy. Daddy was proud, that is what I was told through out my educational career. I never kept up with the all A's, though.

He did have an A- in art. Which I have issues with. Josiah is very talented, artistically. I really wish that I would have went for the Art Teacher thing. I have some issues with the way some people teach art. Josiah received an A- in art because he did not always follow directions. Now, if he was being disruptive in class and not following directions that way, he would deserve the grade. He received an A- because of things like he would not color something a certain color or wanted to change something just a little bit. I do not think that is the way art should be taught. You should teach the mechanics and grade on effort. Not cookie cutter art, where everything looks the same. Oh well, fighting the system.


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