Josiahisms continued...

Josiah on convenience... Josiah and I were taking a drive through the little town of Warsaw, Kentucky. It was a beautiful Sunday morning, we were in our little convertible, just Father and Son bonding time. Taking the back way to the Kentucky Speedway for a day at the races. Josiah points out that there is a house next to the block place ...(his description of an old cemetery, because of the big tombstones.) He looks at me and says, "that is kind of nice, if the guy dies he only has to go over the fence." Then he looked a little puzzled, "they wouldn't be able to carry him over the fence. That's not a good climbing fence, and he would be heavy to carry." I was trying everything not to laugh...because he was sincerely puzzled about how to get the dead guy over the fence. Then he figured out "that they could carry him down the driveway and walk on the road if there wasn't any traffic to get the man to the block place." So our son thinks that living next to a cemetery is second only to living next to Toys-r-us.
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