Me getting philosophical

Josiah and I had the time of our lives this past Sunday... we went to the Kentucky Speedway for the Meijer 300. I have had a love affair with cars pretty much the day I left the womb (I always have told my wife, you never have to worry about an affair, but if I ever do have one she will have four wheels and a tailpipe...) My Grandmother (who is currently keeping track of me from the other side) was a car freek as well. If anyone ever told me I drove like my Grandmother, it would be a compliment. This passion has been passed along to Josiah as well. We got to the track early and a women came up to Josiah and I and asked us if we had pit passes. (She was very attractive by the way, but my wife was not even remotely jealous...) I told her "no." She gave us two pit passes. We went down to the pits and watched the entire race from behind the fence. We were about 15-20 feet from the cars when they pitted. It was awesome. A funny thing happened though. Josiah was really excited when we walked up to the pit and could see the cars, then when they started them up...the look of joy (on his face, too.) The race began and Josiah was standing at the fence (behind Tony Kanaan's Pit, Daddy's favorite and of course Josiah's too.) He was getting tired of standing. He looked at me and asked if we could go up to our seats. I told him wait until they come into the pits to have their tires changed and get gas before we go anywhere. Our seats were way up at the top of the tower and we were IN THE PIT. It was a difficult concept for him, the waiting. Daddy by no means wanted to go back to the seats, because I knew what was going to happen. A little more whining ensued about our seats, but when they came in for the first pit, and the cars burned their tires and squeel of the engines and the smoke and noises...he knew why Daddy made him stand at the fence for 40 laps. I just was thinking how many times I have whined and complained about things, and have probably missed out on some of the greatest moments of my life, because I didn't trust my Father. The cool thing was, I was there for this one.
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