the other side of the coin...

I kind of feel bad, because most of this blog thing has been about our son Josiah. We do have a 1 1/2 old daughter, Ella. Both kids fill a hole in my heart that no one else can fill, like I told Josiah when Ella was born, "Josiah will always be my buddy and Ella is Daddy's sweetheart." Than way he knows the difference. Since day one I have beating it into his head that it is his job to protect and keep his sister safe. Trust me, there is no one on this earth that can tease Ella, except for him...the way it is supposed to be. This is the way I grew up with my little brother, no one else could mess with him except for me and vice versa. Its still that way today.
Even though Ella speaks her own little baby language, she already has taught me a few life lessons about the relationships between men and women. This has been a complaint for generations from woman that they are not the man's mother. Please understand that I can understand this, there are some men that just can not let go of the apron strings. My relationship with my mother is a good one, we actually best of friends. I still respect her as my mother and everything she has done, but now that I am married and have a wife, our relationship has developed more into a friendship, which is the way I think it should be. Maybe you disagree. Getting to the otherside of the coin that I talked about, women are the way they are because of their Daddys. That never gets brought up. I understand this now that I have a daughter. I grew up in a family with one brother and 7 boy cousins, raising a boy is second nature to me, its what I grew up around. Daughters own their Daddys (if he is worth his salt as a Daddy) from the moment he hears her cry the first time. My daughter knows she has me wrapped around her little finger. She gets called every little term of endearment you could think of... I even make stuff up. It is this environment many women grow up in and then expect their husbands to treat them the way their father did. Ella gets treated with much more leniency than Josiah, after all she is girl. Just something to think about, I just think it is funny you never hear about this angle, maybe because men are afraid...we'll see.
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