Friday, August 18, 2006

sorry about this ongoing theme...

I want to apologize for this ongoing theme of gender related topics. I guess these kind of things just bother me. I just wish people could appreciate each other for the qualities that each one of us bring to the table that we call society. I am not going to go off on some tree hugging, granola chomping, peace not war dissertation. That's not my style. I believe there is a place for war in our society, but that is a different topic for some other time. I guess what really gets to me is that if everyone understood just one simple formula for life, it makes it easier to deal with others. Just think about your family for a second, your spouse, your mother, your father, grandparents, kids, nephews, nieces for just a moment. Go through the list and I bet you, other than some extreme circumstances, most of those people bring a smile to your face or you are extremely appreciative of what they have done for you. I can almost guarantee that is the case with everyone. Which brings me to this point, when ever you have a problem with someone, realize this, they are someone's father, mother, spouse, son, daughter, ect. How would you like someone to treat your family members or someone special. I guess I just get tired of the ridiculous anger that people have towards each other. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not some holier than thou kind of person, I have my share of pent of frustration for the human race.

Over the period of the past few months I have had encounters in my professional life of people just full of themselves, and it absolutely drives me crazy (I know its a short drive). They think that I have nothing better to do with my life (which includes but not limited to running a business, raising kids, being a husband, brother, friend, manage business and personal finances, take care of the house, cars and the list goes on of things I have to accomplish in my 24 hours) but to make their life miserable. They have the audacity to think that I have nothing better to do than to make up silly little schemes to make life difficult. That to me is the biggest form of self conceit and pride that a person can witness. That is all it is plain and simple, pride. These people can't belly up to the fact that life just throws us curves every now and again, and there is nothing we can do about it. Quit blaming others. On the same note I have an former business acquaintance that just can't seem to let an issue of the past go...he brings it up in conversation with everyone he comes in contact with. It was something he was directly involved in. People that can not let an issue die, in my opinion are harboring some form of guilt. Plain and simple, the reason they keep bringing up and pushing blame on everyone else is that they are trying to pacify their guilty conscience. (The only person out there that reads this blog thing can give me an "amen brother," they are dealing with the same issue.)
I apologize for my ranting, but I just had to get it of my chest. Try this sometime...just take a moment, maybe when you are just sitting on the couch or at a family picnic or something like that. Just take a few minutes and watch someone that you love (, wife, ect.). The trick is just watch them interact with other people, play or do dishes or whatever but don't let them know you are watching. This isn't something freeky, just watch them. I think you will find a new found appreciation for us humans. To think that every voluntary and involuntary muscle and the the thought processes that make us function all come together just for us to perform the most menial of tasks. For me it works, it also helps me realize how beautiful these people are that God put into my life...try it.


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