they grow soooooo fast...

It is pretty crazy in our household as of late. Josiah is getting ready to go to all day Kindergarten...where has the time gone. It is the beginning of the end, today Kindergarten, tomorrow drivers license and the day after that high school graduation. At the pace life has been at least that is what is going to feel like. Last night Josiah came out to the couch, where Daddy was in his favorite position watching a little pre-season Sunday night football, told me he wanted to read me a book. Now this kind of took me back a step. It is usually the other way around, and unfortunately this is where I say I lack as a parent sometimes. I ain't much good at read'n out loud, at least in my head, I guess. So I don't do much book reading, unless it has pictures. Josiah hops up on my lap and meticulously opens up his Dick and Jane book to page one, and begins. All the way to page 13 (Daddy's favorite number, coincidence - I think not). I could not have been prouder at that moment, and as far as I was concerned on TV it could have been 4th and goal with 3 seconds the Browns with the ball down by 6 in the Super Bowl. I could have cared less. Nothing else mattered, but him reading those famous words...see spot run, run spot run. After he got off my lap, I watched him walk away and after being so proud, I felt a deep sadness. He is growing up so fast and before he knows it he is going to actually start dealing with our society has to throw at him. I just want to keep him little.
Ella went with me to the car store the other day. ( DICTIONARY MOMENT: Josiah and I names for the stores we go to...the big boy store is either Lowes or Home Depot and the car store is either Auto Zone or Pep Boys.) It was just Ella and I in the Del Sol. She loves riding in it with the top off...she smiled all the way to the store. She knows she's something. We get to Auto Zone and I get her out of the car she walks in holding my hand. Another proud daughter and I going into the autoparts store together. She loved it, she was going around picking up tools, then she found the Hot Wheels, picked out one and carried it around the whole store. I was able to switch it out with radiator cap that I was actually there for. She was in her pretty pink flower dress, her hair up in a bow and her little sandles walking through the car store...Sorry I am was just neat dog gone it...
You're such a good daddy :)- and you're right they are growing up way too quickly!
God bless, tell my sis I say hello and hug the little one's for me!
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