Friday, August 25, 2006

wow, just listened to the news...this is part of the problem...

The stuff I have been writing about when it comes the whole gender thing I hope has been pretty fair and balanced. (stole that fair and balanced thing from FOX news) It is just my take on human nature more than anything, but I will say that this is a little one sided. I came across this news story and I could not believe it. Check out this direct quote:

About 90% of women surveyed said they feel somewhat or not at all financially secure, and almost half of the women said they fear losing it all and becoming a "bag lady," according to the survey of 1,925 women, conducted by Harris Interactive. from

WHAT? This is what the male species is up against. Almost 50% have a fear of being a "bag lady." Please don't get me wrong, I have my own suspicions about my financial situation. If this isn't a gauge on self confidence, not sure what else is. These were professional women, women with jobs, and good jobs...(the article came from Marketwatch, not the Waitress Monthly, and I mean nothing bad by that) I am just trying to say these are the women that "have it together", they are today's women. If you don't have the self confidence in yourself and you are that insecure, how can we as males fix it? Most problems start with yourself as part of the solution (male and female alike). I guess I just see from many angles in our society how the average male is made out to be stupid and doesn't know how life is supposed to work. Just watch any sitcom on T.V. Ultimately my point is, people who are insecure with themselves, general try to bring down the others around them to make themselves better. Still not saying that we as men do not do stupid things, but its part of our appeal (and sometimes we do it on purpose because it just may be fun). It is just that women are such beautifully complex creatures, and we simpletons (Men) are supposed to be supportive and be part of the solution. I need schematics and as far as I know there are none. I just want us all to get along better people, I'm tired and I just want to go to sleep.


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