a little deep...
I want to start this off by saying, "I love my Mom & the mother of my children with all my heart." With that being said, I would like to dive into a small peeve of mine. I love my children just as much as my wife does. I understand that there is a bond between mother & child that no man can truly understand, but there is also a wonderful joy for a man to see someone he loves so deeply to have the joy of having a child. The miracle of life. I know this isn't always the case for most couples out there, which is what really bothers me. When my wife had a miscarriage, my heart broken that we were not having a child. There are men out there that could care less about their children, just as there are women who feel the same, but why is it that the man always gets the bad rap when it comes to children. I know there are men out there that don't deserve to be fathers and women who don't deserve to be mothers. Why is it that the woman always gets the benefit of the doubt. These feminist say that its the woman's body and that she has the choice. What really bothers me is that she has the choice, but the man has to live with the consequences of that choice. Last time I checked it takes two to tango. The woman can chose not to have the child, even if the man wants it and he has to live with it. If she has the child, the man has to pay child support to support the child. Please, I am so very against abortion. Children are a gift from the Creator, that need to be treated as such. That is not the issue I am trying to address. I understand that our society does tend to shortchange women in the professional world, but this is one area men definitely get the shortend of the stick. Maybe its just some of things some of my family is going through at this time that cause me to bring this up.
Side note: On a lighter note, lets talk about women's sports. I heard on the four let sports channel that some PGA women were upset about how much the PGA men get paid. The truth of the matter is that people have to be interested in your sport in order to generate revenue. This in turn translates in advertisement, sponsership, ect. Which all makes money. This money is then distributed to the players. Simple business model. A sport can be just about anything, two dudes bouncing a rubber ball in a parking lot can be fun for some people to watch, but definitely not everyone. They won't get the sponsorship dollars that the NFL gets, sorry. Women's sports unfortunately just has never caught on to the viewing public, mainly because men watch the majority of sports. My wife would think it strange if I told her,"honey I have to get home to watch the women's PGA Secret Invitational."